Briefing Slides for Parents (2025)
Primary 1 Orientation Slides Click here to download
Primary 2 Parents Briefing Slides Click here to view
Primary 3 Parents Briefing Slides Click here to view
Primary 4 Parents Briefing Slides Click here to view
Primary 5 & 6 Parents Briefing Slides Click here to view
Edusave Character Award
- Information
- Nomination Form -
Leave of Absence (LOA)
The LOA scheme allows your child to rejoin our school after they return from overseas. If your child is granted LOA, they will remain as a registered student of the school. They can then be readmitted to the school directly after returning to Singapore.
To be granted LOA, your child must fulfil all the following criteria:
An SC or PR.
Presently studying in an MOE school.
Accompanying you on an overseas posting with the intention of rejoining their school after returning to Singapore.
School will charge a nominal fee for a child on LOA. Upon successful application, the school will advise on the payment procedure for the LOA fee.
You may wish to know that the LOA is renewable annually. By November each year, you will need to decide whether to renew the LOA for another year. Your child’s LOA status will expire if you choose not to renew.
For more information, please visit
To apply for LOA, please email the school at for the application form.
MOE Schoolbag provides parents, educators and the general public with education news, school features and tips. -
Educational Technology (EdTech) Plan
A list of guides & tips, resources and useful links to help you to reinforce Cyber Wellness education at home. -
Student Learning Space (SLS)
As part of its commitment to nurturing future-ready learners, the Ministry of Education had announced that all students in Singapore schools will be supported in their learning by the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS), an online learning platform that contains curriculum-aligned resources and learning tools.With the SLS, students will be able to learn better through the use of technology. Students will be able to learn anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace, whether independently or with their peers. Teachers will also be able to use the SLS to complement their classroom teaching, further enriching students’ learning experience. We believe such a learning experience is essential to help your child to become an active and confident user of technology.