CCAs play a vital role in developing students’ skills, values, and social-emotional competencies. They provide opportunities to explore interests, build friendships, and foster a strong sense of belonging. Through CCAs, students gain valuable experiences that prepare them for a dynamic future while cultivating a balanced and fulfilling life.
The school offers a total of 15 CCAs in the following four groupings:
Sports and Games
Performing Arts
Uniformed Groups
Clubs and Societies
CCA sessions are held for all CCAs after school on Tuesdays.
Selected students representing the school in SYF and NSG will attend additional sessions on Fridays after school.
The termly CCA schedule will be sent via Parent Gateway before the start of the term.
CCA Policy
Participation in CCA
All Primary 3 to 6 students are to participate in one CCA.
To develop CCA-specific knowledge, skills and attitudes progressively, students are strongly encouraged to stay in one CCA from Primary 3 to 6 with at least 80% attendance.
Attendance is compulsory at every CCA session. A medical certificate or a letter from the parent is necessary if the student is absent.
Students who display talents in their CCA may be selected to represent the school for competitions.
P6 students will participate in CCAs only in Semester 1. If students are involved in key competitions held in Semester 2, they will participate in their CCAs until the competitions end.
Students who are involved in a recognised CCA not offered in Peiying Primary School may be excused from the school's CCA. Parents may write in their request supported with valid documents.
For students with medical reasons requesting to be exempted from CCA, please inform the form teachers or contact HOD PE/CCA by providing relevant details and supporting documents. Approval will be subjected on a case-by-case basis.
CCA Recruitment
At the end of Primary Two, students will get to find out more about the various CCAs during the P2 CCA Experience Day. They will then be given a form online to select their choices. Students are encouraged to discuss their choices of CCA with their parents before submitting their CCA choices.
The school will try to assign the CCAs according to students’ preference. However, there may be instances when students may not be assigned their first choice CCA if it is over-subscribed. In such cases, they will be assigned to one of their remaining choices of CCA.
New Student CCA Application
Students new to the school should apply for a CCA online within a week of joining the school.
Change of CCA
Change of CCA is strongly discouraged. We strongly encourage our students to remain in their CCA until Primary 6 to ensure depth of knowledge, skill development and continuity.
Parents can make their request for change of CCA from 1 January - 31 January through this link. No request will be entertained after this period.
These are the prerequisites before requesting for a change of CCA:
Student is allowed to make one CCA change either at the start of Primary 4 or Primary 5.
No CCA change will be allowed at Primary 6.
Student must stay committed to current CCA for at least a year.
Student is not slated to represent school for any upcoming competitions and/or performances.
There are vacancies in CCA requested.
Student is expected to attend his/her current CCA sessions while his/her request is being processed.
Withdrawal from CCA
Withdrawal from CCA is strongly discouraged. Parents must submit a letter to the CCA teachers-in-charge to explain reason for withdrawal from CCA.