Tamil Language

Primary 1 and 2: Singing Competition
Through this singing competition students are able to discover their potential musical talents. Their self-confidence improves greatly as well. Student will have the opportunity to learn many new words and phrases in Tamil through this singing competition.
Primary 1 and 2: Vaanga Pesalam ‘Let’s chat’
This programme helps to enhance the students’ oracy skills. Students became confident speakers and are able to share their thoughts. They are also able to communicate more effectively with their classmates.
Primary 3 and 4: Speech and Drama Workshop
Through speech and drama workshops, students learn basic acting skills
like expressions, vocals and body language. They also improve their listening
skills and presentation skills.
The workshop serves as a confidence booster for the students as well.
The stage presence gained helps them to develop leadership capabilities.
Primary 5 and 6: Oratorical Contest
Oratorical Contest boosts the students’ confidence and enhances their communication skills. Their public speaking skills also develop.
As a result, the students are able to do presentations with much courage and ease in front of their classmates.
Primary 5 and 6: Presentation Skills Workshop
This workshop aims to provide an opportunity for students to bolster their confidence and develop their communication skills. The pupils will get to learn how to write speeches and improve their written work, especially grammar.
The activities in the workshop will help them in their social development and hence, their transition to secondary school.
Learning Journey to Indian Heritage Centre
Students get a chance to learn about the Indian Culture through this Learning Journey. They also learn about the activities of early Indians in diverse fields.
The exhibitions cover various themes with an emphasis on the chronology and role of early institutions established by the community then.